NAAC Criteria 1 :

SL.No. Supporting Documents View Documents
1. 1.1-Curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process
2. 1.2.1-a-Students attendance sheet for SWAYAM NPTEL Course
3. 1.2.1-b-Institutional programme brochure for Certificate Value added programs
4. 1.2.1-c-Course completion certificate
5. 1.3.1- Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum
6. 1.3.2-Students undertaking project work field work internships
7. 1.4.1-a-Feedback analysis report submitted to appropriate bodies
8. 1.4.1-b- Filled-in feedback form from different stake holders
9. 1.4.1-c-Action taken report on the feedback analysis

IQAC Criteria 2 :

SL.No. Supporting Documents View Documents
1. 2.1.1-Sanction of Students intake from affiliating University
2. 2.1.1-Final admission list as published by the HEI
3. 2.1.2-a-Final admission list indicating category as published by the HEI
4. 2.1.2-b-Document related to sanction of intake from affiliating University
5. 2.3-Teaching- Learning Process using ICT- enabled tools
6. 2.4.1-Sanction letters indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority
7. 2.4.2-Copies of Ph.D awareded by recognized universities
8. 2.5.1-Mechanism of internal external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system
9. 2.6.1-Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered
10. 2.6.3-Certified report from Controller Examination of the affiliating university of the final year students_11zon

IQAC Criteria 5 :

SL.No. Supporting Documents View Documents
1. 5.1.1-a-Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each scheme
2. 5.1.1-b-Sanction letter of scholarships
3. 5.1.1-c-Policy document of the HEI for award of scholarship
4. 5.1.2-Report with Photographs on Programmes activities conducted to enhance Language and communication skills, Life skills
5. 5.1.3-Number of career counselling programs offered by the institution
6. 5.1.4-a-Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
7. 5.1.4-b-Mechanisms for submission of online-offline student's grievances
8. 5.1.4-c-Implementation of guidelines of statutory-regulatory bodies
9. 5.1.4-d-Details of statutory-regulatory Committees
10. 5.2.1-Number and List of students placed along with placement details
11. 5.3.2-Sports and Cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated