Vision,Mission,Objectives and Goals of IQAC


The vision of IQAC PJCMT is to provide quality education to students through standardized instruments and processes of self-evaluation and external assessment benchmarks, ensuring the concept, organization and operation of effective systems within an institution that align with changing socio-economic and cultural contexts.


1. Academic Excellence: Endeavoring to attain elevated academic benchmarks in order to guarantee that students attain robust foundation of knowledge and cultivate their capacity for critical analysis.

2. Character Development: Cultivating virtues such as integrity, empathy, and resilience to cultivate individuals who possess a comprehensive skill set and make constructive contributions to society.

3. Life Skills: Endowing students with indispensable life skills, encompassing proficient communication, perceptive problem-solving, and adaptability, to proficiently navigate the intricacies of the contemporary world.

4.Technological Incorporation: The incorporation of technology into the realm of education, with the aim of augmenting the learning encounters and equipping students for a future propelled by technological advancements.

5. Community Engagement: Fostering active participation and cooperation among educational institutions, parents, and the broader community to cultivate a nurturing and intellectually stimulating educational environment.

6. Implementation Culture: Implementing a culture of perpetual enhancement, wherein feedback is esteemed, and the educational institution remains familiar to the ever-changing educational methodologies and societal exigencies.


1. The primary objective of PJCMT is to uphold a minimal Student-to-teacher ratio. Facilitate the cultivation of teachers' professional and personal growth, both on an individual and collective level, by means of staff development initiatives. Proficient scholars foster an environment where in every contribution is esteemed.

2. Creating a framework for deliberate, sustained, and catalytic action to boost the institution's administrative and academic output.

3. By instituting best practices and fostering an internal culture of quality, PJCMT IQAC aims to improve the way of its institutions operate and meet teaching learning expectations.

4. To enhance proactive individuals who possess the capacity to make meaningful contributions to society through their generosity, knowledge, and wisdom.

5. To create reflective individuals, endowed with the capacity to confront the forthcoming era, embody the essence of lifelong learners amidst the continual fluctuation of our ever-evolving world.


Quality education is characterized by its emphasis on the holistic growth of every student, encompassing their social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive abilities, irrespective of their gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, or geographical origin. Moreover, the contemporary landscape of education is profoundly shaped and reliant upon the advent of Information and Communication Technology, thereby facilitating the acquisition of formal or advanced scholastic knowledge for students. PJCMT not only equips a student with the necessary skills for gainful employment, but also fosters the holistic cultivation of an individual's character. In the context of youngsters, the objective is to foster their holistic development, wherein morals and ethics are incorporated into the educational curriculum to facilitate the cultivation of a salubrious way of life.