Introduction of IQAC


In accordance with its Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment, accreditation, and quality enhancement of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore suggests that each accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a means to uphold quality. Given the perpetual nature of quality enhancement, it is imperative that the IQAC integrates itself into the institution's framework, diligently striving towards the attainment of quality enhancement and sustenance objectives. The primary objective of the IQAC is to cultivate a framework for deliberate, unwavering, and transformative enhancement in the holistic efficacy of institutions. In the subsequent phase following accreditation, it is imperative for institutions to concentrate their endeavors and implement strategies aimed at fostering comprehensive academic excellence, encompassing the recommendations put forth by the peer committee.The guidelines delineated within the subsequent pages shall serve as a guiding framework, facilitating the establishment and functioning of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) within the institution.

The endeavors undertaken by the IQAC represent the initial stride towards the assimilation and establishment of quality enhancement initiatives. The efficacy of its triumph hinges upon the profound sentiment of affiliation and active engagement in all the constituent elements of the institution. It shall not manifest as yet another hierarchical framework or a mere exercise in maintaining records within the institution. The proposed initiative shall serve as a facilitative and participatory voluntary system, unit, or organ within the institution. It possesses the capacity to serve as a channel for facilitating the implementation of quality improvement through the formulation of deliberate interventionist tactics by IQAC, aimed at eliminating shortcomings and augmenting quality, parallel to the "Quality Circles" observed in various industries.